How to Be a Successful Solopreneur While Also Being a Full-Time Parent

3 min readMay 23, 2022


Is it possible to do both?

Photo by Yasmina H on Unsplash

Being a successful solopreneur is a difficult objective that will cause you to face several challenges.

Being a terrific parent is also a full-time, highly challenging job.

Both of these goals will need a significant amount of time and consideration. They both deplete your energy reserves at the end of the day. And they both persist mentally, making it difficult to “turn off” in any instance.

As you might see, finding a method to perform both of these things at the same time is a challenging task that many people fail at.

Perhaps you are overly focused on work, which causes you to be aloof while spending time with your family — to the point where you are unable to completely focus on them. Perhaps you’re in a nasty mood and were quick to anger when your child or partner made a simple mistake.

Or maybe you’re looking in the wrong direction. Maybe you’re a fantastic parent, but you let it interfere with your work-life balance. Maybe you can’t concentrate at work, and you’re always taking time off to spend time with your family because that is what you really want to focus on. Remember, you have to work to pay the bills. “The work can wait” mentality is not helping you reach your business goals and objectives.

So, what are you going to do?

There is no one answer to this question. Unfortunately, there are so many variables in these circumstances that I cannot give advice that will be applicable to everyone.

But here’s a rather universal truth:

If you try to accomplish two things at the same time, you will fail miserably.

This is why you must be so tight and meticulous about what constitutes “work time” and what constitutes “rest or family time.”

Concentrate on your work for specific periods of time, and then turn your attention to your family. I have found waking up earlier to start my workday has helped me to balance both work and family responsibilities. I also limit my working days, Monday-Friday, and leave Saturdays and Sundays as strict family time.

Having to be this self-regulated, may seem to negate many of the advantages of being self-employed in the first place. However, these methods can play a part to help you maintain the benefits while keeping things separate, but somewhat equal, in this game, we call life.

For one thing, as long as you can focus hard and work quickly, there is nothing stopping you from taking more breaks throughout the week. As long as they are properly planned, and you return to work, and truly work!

Better still, try to concentrate on finishing a specific quantity of work rather than working for a specific length of time. This encourages you to work swiftly and allows you to spend more time with family!

Don’t beat yourself up, if one week nothing goes according to the plan. Communicating with your family regarding your work requirements for a given timeframe may allow you a free pass for a certain time to hyper-focus on work. Just know, that your family will also expect this hyper-focus of attention on them also.

Photo by Daniel K Cheung on Unsplash




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